Relaxing in nature

Guided Meditation and Breathing in the Olive Grove

An experience immersed in nature, under olive trees with your feet and hands covered in extra virgin olive oil from the Taggiasca monocultivar of the local farm.

The olive tree symbolizes longevity and peace, teaching us to be sensitive yet resilient. Its silver leaves resemble the moon, while the golden oil represents the passage between night and day, light and darkness of our minds.

The vitamins E and A in the oil provide a true beauty treatment for your feet and hands, complemented by guided breathing amidst nature, promoting overall relaxation of the mind and body.

Come and live a unique experience amidst nature, among the olive trees, with your feet and hands enveloped in the extra virgin olive oil from the Taggiasca monocultivar of the local farm

About this experience

The Magic of Nature

The silver leaves evoke the moon, while the oil has a vibrant golden color, representing the sun

Massage oil

Natural Beauty Treatment

The olive oil, rich in vitamins E and A, becomes a natural beauty treatment for your feet and hands

Woman Relaxing in Nature

During the experience, we'll practice guided breathing amidst nature. This practice will help you relax

Guided Breathing in Nature

Natural Relax
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